by Kabir Sehgal | Jul 7, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
It’s the end of an era on Wall Street. The move this week to shutter the Blackberry Classic, the mobile device with the iconic QWERTY keyboard, was all but expected, but it also served notice of the eventual and full disarmament of the American banker, as he or she...
by Kabir Sehgal | Jun 21, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
When it comes to fixed-income investments, the devil is in the details, especially when a credit event such as a default is approaching. Because the specter of default is omnipresent in the high-yield bond market, investors who trade these securities scour paperwork...
by Kabir Sehgal | Jun 8, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
He doesn’t have super powers. But Narendra Modi, India’s Prime Minister, is trying to save the planet. Modi is currently on his fourth official trip to the United States and today he will be in Washington, D.C. addressing Congress. Among the many topics he...
by Kabir Sehgal | May 8, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
When you consider brain studies, Donald Trump’s success in this year’s Republican primaries aren’t so mind numbing. Like many, I initially doubted Trump’s high poll numbers, thinking they would surely fall once voting began. But I’ve...
by Kabir Sehgal | Apr 30, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
Cash is still king. With the spate of mobile payment innovations, from Apple’s Apple Pay to the blockchain, you would think that the days of using cash are numbered. Indeed, mobile payment transactions are growing quickly, from $8.71 billion in the United States...
by Kabir Sehgal | Apr 26, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
I never wanted to work at an investment bank. Because that’s where creativity goes to die — and growing up, I admired entrepreneurs, writers, and musicians. After graduate school, I founded a start-up in India with a friend, but we ran out of money, and someone...
by Kabir Sehgal | Apr 19, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
The secret is out. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew favors keeping Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill, with a group of important women on the back of the note. He is also entertaining the prospect of replacing Andrew Jackson with a woman on the $20 bill. It’s...
by Kabir Sehgal | Apr 6, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
When the weather outside is frightful, an initial public offering’s pricing is anything but delightful. Plenty of things affect the pricing of a new stock issue: a company’s fundamentals, corporate management’s interests, feedback from bankers and...
by Kabir Sehgal | Mar 21, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
Want to book a flight to Cuba? There’s an app for that. Built by a private jet company, the app isn’t remarkable. But it’s a telltale sign of the next chapter between the United States and Cuba, as entrepreneurs and investors seek to capitalize on...
by Kabir Sehgal | Mar 20, 2016 | All, Op-Ed
After huge primary wins in Florida, Illinois and North Carolina, Donald Trump is more than halfway to securing the delegates he’ll need to become the Republican nominee to run for President of the United States. Many in the GOP have been scrambling to stop him,...