The Benefits of JOMO — The Joy of Missing Out

The Benefits of JOMO — The Joy of Missing Out

In a world driven by constant notifications, social media updates, and endless events, I’ve chosen a different path. I don’t scroll through social media. I don’t watch television. I don’t join boards or attend parties. Dinners with friends? I think I’ve...

Social Media 101: Create value & grow

When it comes to social media, I’m an early adopter but late bloomer. I joined Facebook in 2004.  And for about 10+ years, I didn’t post much because I worked at companies that didn’t love employees posting online. It was kind of frowned upon. I...
The Grand Strategy of Project Selection

The Grand Strategy of Project Selection

If you’re like many artists I know, you launch headfirst into your project. ​ You complete the work. And struggle endeavor to get it out. ​ How do I get people to pay attention to my artistry? ​ Prussian General Carl Von Clausewitz wrote about 3 levels of war: ​...
Here’s how you can serve (without running)

Here’s how you can serve (without running)

Love the idea of public service but don’t want to become a politician? 20 years ago, I attended the Democratic National Convention. I was working on the John Kerry presidential campaign at the time. I served as special assistant and speechwriter to Senator Max...