The $1 Million Bet: Why Simple Investing Wins

In 2007, Warren Buffett made a bold bet. He wagered $1 million that an S&P 500 index fund would outperform a portfolio of hedge funds over ten years. Protégé Partners, a small hedge fund, took the challenge. They believed their active strategies could beat the...
Schedule your pitches – timing matters

Schedule your pitches – timing matters

I’m blessed to receive many requests: “Will you compose? Produce? Distribute? Perform? Write? Invest? Speak? Attend?” It’s flattering and humbling. But there’s one thing that never fails to surprise me: The timing of many of these requests. Every year, I receive...
7PS: Have you had enough? 🤗

7PS: Have you had enough? 🤗

Read time: 1 minute, 287 words. Authors Kurt Vonnegut & Joseph Heller once attended a party hosted by a billionaire. Vonnegut pointed out that their host made more in a day than Heller had earned from his book Catch-22 in his lifetime. Heller replied, “Yes,...
7PS: Who should we lift up? ⬆️

7PS: Who should we lift up? ⬆️

Read time: 1 minute, 367 words. Do you know who Nathanael Ankeny is? ​ I didn’t know about him until 2 weeks ago. ​ Spotify suggested that I listen to his 2023 album. ​ I liked it. ​ So, I created this 5-slide meme that praised his music – and I posted it...