How Finance Whizzes On Wall Street Can Fight Terrorism

3 Ways to Get More Done Right Now

It’s not uncommon to meet a lawyer who’d like to work in renewable energy, or an app developer who’d like to write a novel, or an editor who fantasizes about becoming a landscape designer. Maybe you also dream about switching to a career that’s drastically different...
It’s Time to Bring Back the Office Cubicle

It’s Time to Bring Back the Office Cubicle

I’ve had it with the modern-day open office: bright fluorescent lights; fish-bowl distracting conference rooms that always leaves you wondering who your manager is meeting with; long shared desks. When I worked on a Wall Street trading floor years ago, there was...
How to Write Email with Military Precision

How to Write Email with Military Precision

In the military, a poorly formatted email may be the difference between mission accomplished and mission failure. During my active duty service, I learned how to structure emails to maximize a mission’s chances for success. Since returning from duty, I have applied...
Why bankers should become soldiers

Why bankers should become soldiers

Wall Street needs more veterans, and the military could benefit from more bankers. Companies have recognized the importance of hiring veterans. As part of the “Veterans Jobs Initiative,” which started in 2011, 235 corporations have hired 360,000 veterans....