Samba for Tarsila

Samba for Tarsila By Ben Sher Liner Notes By Kabir Sehgal To know Ben Sher is to recognize a virtuoso. An acclaimed jazz guitarist who hails from Pittsburgh, Sher has toured the world as an artist and now resides in New York. That he has crisscrossed the globe is...
7 Things I Learned at Harvard

7 Things I Learned at Harvard

I recently completed an executive education course at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), “Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century.” It was a module offered by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to Young Global Leaders (YGLs). Last year, I went...

Edition #47 – Grayhawk answers 7 questions

1. Why are you a musician? My earliest memories are as a toddler sitting on the piano bench and just improvising. As a child during the Vietnam War Era, playing the piano was my safe space from the rest of the world and I was delighted when I learned that you could...


Metamorphosis By Yumi Kurosawa Liner Notes By Kabir Sehgal Crossing over is usually something an artist does when they want to embark on a new project or collaborate with another artist. But for Yumi Kurosawa, crossing over is her aesthetic and compositional journey....

Edition #46 – Sophia Agranovich answers 7 questions

1. Why are you a musician? As Beethoven said: “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy; music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents.” In my childhood I was lucky to have outstanding teachers: Anna Stolyarevich and...

Edition #45 – John Hollenbeck answers 7 questions

1. Why are you a musician? My brother was practicing drums with headphones, he gave me a tambourine. At some point much later I realized this was the best way for me to contribute positively to the world. 2. Who are your musical inspirations? John Coltrane, Bob...

Edition #44 – Roxana Amed answers 7 questions

1. Why are you a musician? Music speaks for me. But you don’t choose your nature, you either have the talent to be a musician or not, you can only choose to do something good with that. In any case, music shows a different world to me, and I like to live there....

Edition #43 – Allison Philips answers 7 questions

1. Why are you a musician? It is hard for me to remember a time when I didn’t want to be a musician. I often think we don’t really have a choice in what we become. I hope my music and playing makes people smile, or at least consider smiling. As I get older...

Edition #42 – Orlando Haddad & Patrica King

1. Why are you musicians? Music has been our life-long passion and vehicle for creativity. We enjoy giving inspiration to our audiences, all ages, to uplift and bring people together, to find healing and share joy in a meaningful way. Music gives us a way to express...

Edition #41 – Suzanne Doucet answers 7 questions

1. Why are you a musician? I loved music since I can remember and I was always playing instruments since my early childhood! Music is the most powerful language in the universe and you can express what can never be expressed adequately in words! Music also has the...