7PS: I declared war on this…📎

7PS: I declared war on this…📎

Read time: 1 minute, 339 words. Imagine that I put a big, beautiful brick in your mailbox. The next day, you receive 20 more beautiful bricks… And now there’s no room left in your mailbox. I’m talking metaphorically about email attachments. Every...
7PS: I need to talk to you 💰

7PS: I need to talk to you 💰

Read time: 1 minute, 346 words. A close friend sent me a message a while ago. “I need to talk to you.” ​ My heart sank. ​ I wondered if he was in trouble. ​ So, I called him. “Kabir, I need to borrow $400k to buy a boat. I need it in the next 48...