Why you need to spend more time planning your release

by | Oct 16, 2024

Why do artists spend months perfecting their music but only weeks planning the release?

Many musicians I know spend months, even years, obsessing over every nuance of their art. They dive deep into perfecting chord progressions, harmonies, and melodies, constantly rewriting and refining.

The dedication is incredible: countless hours of practice, rehearsals, and emotional investment go into creating something truly magical.

Yet, when it’s time to release their music, many rush the process. They want to put it out there in just a few weeks or maybe a month or two. And as for marketing… well, that’s often handed off to someone else or left as an afterthought.

Take, for instance, a grunge band I know that spent over a year crafting their album, ensuring every track was perfect. But when it came to the release, they hurried through the process, resulting in a lackluster launch that didn’t do justice to their hard work.

Compare this to a rapper I know who dedicated time to her release strategy, planning every detail from social media teasers to engaging with fans and coordinating with influencers.

The result?

A highly successful launch that reached a wide audience and garnered the attention their music deserved.

It’s absolutely fine to create & market your art in any way that feels right to you.

But if you have expectations about who or how many people should experience your art, it’s worth reconsidering how much time & resources you invest in your release and marketing plan.

Investing more attention and energy in your release plan can make all the difference in ensuring your music reaches & resonates with the audience it deserves.