How to handle service providers that make you wait

by | Oct 12, 2024

Many years ago, my dad arrived early for his 9 am doctor’s appointment.

But the doctor made him wait until 9:45 AM.

Dad didn’t like that he had to wait so long.

But dad didn’t yell or get angry.

He returned back to his office.

At the time, he worked at an engineering company.

He asked his colleague: “What happens when we make our clients wait?”

“They don’t like it,” she responded. “Sometimes they even bill us for their time.”

So, that’s what dad did.

My dad sent his doctor a bill for his time.

For those 45 minutes he had to wait.

The doctor’s office didn’t acknowledge or respond at first.

A few weeks later, dad asked his colleague:

“What do we do if someone doesn’t pay a bill?”

“A collection agency calls…” she explained.

You see where this story is going…

Finally, his doctor called:

“Hello, I got this bill and was wondering what you wanted me to do with it?”


My dad diffused the situation with a bit of laughter.

No, he didn’t insist that the doctor actually pay the bill.

But he had made his point.

Now when my dad visits the doctor, he gets the VIP treatment.

The doctor waits for my dad in the waiting room.

My dad has a terrific sense of humor.

He gets people laughing.

All of the above was done with a twinkle in his eye.

Now he and doctor laugh about what happened.

When someone makes you wait — and you are the customer/client — stick up for yourself.

Leverage your imagination and humor to make your point.