7PS: How to make videos with magic 🪄

7PS: How to make videos with magic 🪄

Read time: 1 minute, 292 words.​I brought in 170 guests on my talk show during the pandemic. 100 of them were in just 77 days. I realized that this is a goldmine of timeless insights—from artists, authors, & filmmakers. The challenge? Making these long-form...
7PS: How to (kinda) disappear 👋🏽

7PS: How to (kinda) disappear 👋🏽

Read time: 1 minute, 287 words. ​ At the beginning of every year, I kind of disappear. ​ I delete social media & messenger apps on my phone. ​ I even deactivate some of my accounts. ​ I don’t want folks to know I exist. ​ (Other that you, of course.) ​ I...
7PS: Forget the Past? ⏩

7PS: Forget the Past? ⏩

Read time: 1 minute, 300 words. ​ For the folks going to New Year’s parties… Here’s what “Auld Lang Syne” means: “Old long since.” ​ Or, in simple terms, “days gone by” or “old times.” ​ It’s a tradition to remember old...
7PS: In praise of shyness 🤐

7PS: In praise of shyness 🤐

Read time: 1 minute, 320 words. ​ The holidays can bring anxiety. It’s a season of gatherings — where sociability is celebrated. But for some of us, the idea of attending events & meeting folks is overwhelming. In a world that values outgoing...
7PS: What Leaders *Don’t* Use 🚫

7PS: What Leaders *Don’t* Use 🚫

Read time: 1 minute, 311 words. ​ Ever noticed how some leaders don’t use the products they create? Silicon Valley execs send their kids to schools that minimize screen time. Social media CEOs rely on large teams to manage their own accounts. ​ I know Coca-Cola...
7PS: Have you had enough? 🤗

7PS: Have you had enough? 🤗

Read time: 1 minute, 287 words. Authors Kurt Vonnegut & Joseph Heller once attended a party hosted by a billionaire. Vonnegut pointed out that their host made more in a day than Heller had earned from his book Catch-22 in his lifetime. Heller replied, “Yes,...