Is social media turning artists into entertainers?

by | Oct 25, 2024

Is social media turning artists into entertainers?

Remember the days when artists focused purely on their craft?

Now, it feels like we’re all chasing likes, comments, and shares.

Would Miles Davis care about how many fans he had?

Hmm.. depends when you ask him.

Here’s a reality check for all my fellow artists:

Your Art vs. Your Algorithm

→ Are you creating for the love of it or for the likes?

→ Are you innovating or imitating?

Engagement Over Excellence

→ Social media engagement is addictive.

→ But does it mean your work is getting better?

The Balance

→ You need an audience, no doubt.

→ But don’t let the audience dictate your art.

The Miles Davis Test

→ Ask yourself: Would your hero care about these metrics?

→ If the answer is ‘no,’ then maybe you shouldn’t either.

Here’s how to stay true to your art AND navigate the social media jungle:

Set Boundaries

→ Limit your social media time.

→ Allocate specific hours purely for creating.

Content Calendar

→ Plan your posts in advance.

→ Focus on quality over quantity.

Authentic Engagement

→ Engage with meaningful comments.

→ Avoid the vanity metrics.

Offline Matters

→ Build realworld connections.

→ Attend events, gigs, and meet other artists.

Social media is a tool, not a measure of your talent.

Create for the love of it.

The right audience will find you.

What do you think?

Are we losing ourselves to the algorithm?