How Archie Roundtree Jr. manages 3+ Careers (Lawyer, Writer, Speaker)

by | Apr 3, 2023

Meet Archie Roundtree Jr. He’s a multi-careerist based in Los Angeles. We met over LinkedIn. When I learned his story, I knew many would enjoy learning about him.

Archie’s Careers

  • Lawyer
  • Writer (music, spoken word and short articles)
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advocate
  • Mentor to students
  • National Public Speaker

On his motivations for having many careers

I saw my grandparents traverse a life that did not afford them opportunities that I am blessed with today. The sacrifices of generations before me paved the way for me to take the next steps in my career. I am standing on generations of hopes and prayers.

We all must accept we are not one-dimensional, but multi-faceted creations with ever-evolving personalities. The multi-faceted aspects of my experiences and careers have come together to put me in the place I am today.


On how long he’s had these careers

I am privileged to be around the entertainment business for numerous years. The experience allows for growth opportunities in areas I could never have imagined. I am in the early years of my legal career, and fortunate to be involved in a practice area where my spoken word skills play a crucial role in major activities.

Advice to aspiring multi-careerists

Just begin—a journey starts with the first step!

Some roads are uncharted territory for you to explore—explore them. Don’t live your existence by expectations of others—chart your own path.

Don’t compare the road you travel to those traveled by friends, associates, or people you read about. Your destiny may require a different timetable.


On overcoming obstacles

Your travel through life will come with numerous trials and tribulations. Allow each obstacle to be a personal lesson—a teaching moment. I learned that every impediment you overcome will bring with it, valuable experience on the path to your destiny.

Throughout your life you will encounter both supporters and naysayers. Remember, your destiny and aspirations are for you, and not always meant for everyone else to understand.

On how multiple careers are beneficial

The performing arts allowed me to find my voice. I have a passion for cadencies and words that move people. It is through the performing arts that I found a calling within the legal field.

It is through the arts I am able now to speak with confidence on local, regional, and national stages. That confidence comes from my experience performing in large arenas before I entered the legal field. Accepting all parts of yourself will truly allow you to grow your career in ways you never can imagine.

On personal time

I think with anything in life, intentionality matters. I do my best to prioritize time for family during my week and on weekends. Family encouragement and support allows me to enjoy multiple careers.

When it comes to personal time, I nurture my mental, physical, social, and spiritual health. I find a sense of peace by pouring equally into each of those portions of my life.

On what he wishes he had learned earlier

In life as in any career, there will always be a new goal to reach for, beyond the goal you currently see. Appreciate every part of your journey, along with the people who help guide and bless your path. It is important to celebrate every moment with friends, to find the lesson in every setback, and to take time with family.

I wish I had realized it earlier and taken time to celebrate the small wins in my careers, instead of waiting for the big triumphs. I know now that you should not allow your setbacks to dampen celebration of each milestone achievement, no matter how small—they only come once, so appreciate and savor every little step you take.

On the stigma of having many careers

I don’t see a stigma, people who are meant to be on your journey will support you through your endeavors. I am the person I am today because of the combination of performing arts and my endeavors within the legal field.

I have brilliant mentors, professors and community members who continue to support me. Allow your life to go within spaces that champion your authenticity, wherever those spaces might be.

Multiple careers bring with them perspectives, insights, and skills that when combined provide a synergy beyond any single profession.

On what to share with others

When you allow your genuine self to shine, positive effects naturally divulge. I try to be authentically true to myself, and let my legal acumen or artsy nature or communication speak for itself. The key is to just be who you are, because no one is better at it than you.

On sublimating ego

I have found that your multiple careers will be in a balanced place if you allow them to overlap, build on one another, and then pull from the benefits of your own collaboration.

A mentor once told me “Your career is like a series of ladders.” When you reach the top rung of one ladder, you arrive at the bottom rung of the next.

The challenge, and opportunity, is that you constantly have chances to combine career talents for a unified synergy. It is not always an easy path, but if you step forward with a positive spirit, and channel the energy and talents from your experiences, while growing the skills to take you to the next level, then I believe you are well on your way to making your mark.

A Day in the Life

Each day brings a host of new opportunities, challenges and learning experiences. My schedule may call for different priorities’ day to day. One recent day in the life example is below.

  • 5:00 AM -6:00 AM – Wake up and morning routine.
  • 6:00 AM –7:00 AM – Go for a morning jog and listen to music.
  • 7:00 AM – 7:30 AM – After jog, decompress, cool down and shower.
  • 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM – Eat Breakfast
  • 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Legal work activities
  • 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Lunch
  • 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Legal work activities
  • 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM – Journal about the day and dinner
  • 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM – Review personal emails and organize any updates.
  • 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM – Storyboard and brainstorm ideas for writing (music, articles, spoken word and speeches).
  • 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM – Fellowship with family, friends, and scriptures
  • 9:30 PM – 10:00 PM – Night routine and shower before calling it for next day.

Where to find Archie

Kabir Sehgal is a Multi Grammy & Latin Grammy Award winner, as well as New York Times bestselling author.
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