Read time: 1 minute, 311 words.
When I worked in banking, everyone was a quick call away.
If my New York-based client had a problem with a deal in Indonesia, I’d call my colleague in Jakarta.
My colleague would pick up.
We’d solve the problem immediately.
Money never sleeps.
Years later, when I worked in corporate strategy, sometimes my manager would reach out:
“This is an emergency. We need to talk.”
I’d write back: “Sure, anytime.”
“Find a time in my calendar in the next 2 weeks…”
That’s when I realized most folks schedule time to talk.
But here’s the thing…
I still don’t.
👉🏽 This is how I avoid 99% of meetings.
(And maybe so can you.)
PS – I may be shooting myself in the foot by sharing. But I hope it helps.
Seven Point Sunday – October 6
💼 Portfolio Career
Meet Regina Carter. Acclaimed jazz violinist. End-of-life doula.
⚡️ Productivity
Aragon – Get professional headshots in minutes leveraging AI.
💰 Passive
Run a print-on-demand store.
📚 Books
Read The Dictionary People by Sarah Ogilvie. The Oxford English Dictionary is one of mankind’s greatest achievements, and yet, curiously, its creators are almost never considered. Who were the people behind this unprecedented book?
🎵 Music
Listen to The Shape of Jazz to Come by Ornette Coleman. Watershed event in the development of avant-garde jazz and the creation of free jazz. One of Rolling Stone’s 500 greatest albums of all time. Favorites: “Lonely Woman” & “Peace.”
💭 AI Prompt
How do I overcome my Instagram addiction? I constantly check Instagram, which causes anxiety as I compare myself to others. I feel like I’m not accomplishing enough. Why do I seek validation from people whom I don’t know?
🥣 Gravy
How I fuel my idea generation
100 things to know about Jimmy Carter – He’s now a Centenarian.
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