Read time: 1 minute, 320 words. It’s a season of gatherings — where sociability is celebrated. But for some of us, the idea of attending events & meeting folks is overwhelming. In a world that values outgoing personalities, it’s OK to be introverted. Many acclaimed artists are shy. Elvis Presley was a loner. The Economist writes, “Shyness & creativity often go hand in hand.” Being peculiar or reserved isn’t a flaw. It’s part of what makes us unique. So this season, if you’d rather keep to yourself, remember that some of the most celebrated creators felt the same way. Meet Kristine Tompkins. Conservationist, former Patagonia CEO. “The first step to saving nature is the rewilding of our own minds.” ⚡️ Productivity WebFill – Uses advanced AI models to automatically fill forms, complete surveys, handle data entry, solve multiple-choice questions, generate and respond to emails, more. 💰 Passive Consolidated Edison. Utility company that provides electricity, gas, and steam to millions of customers, known for its steady dividend. This thesis. 📚 Books Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture by Kyle Chayka. What does it mean to make a choice when the options have been so carefully arranged for us? Is personal freedom possible on the Internet? 🎵 Music Postcards for a Christmas: Bilingual Arabic Holiday Songs by Amanda Abizaid. Holiday themes with Arabic lyrics, creating a multicultural celebration. Night Divine by Quinn Hedges. Soulful renditions of carols. Warm & intimate feel to holiday favorites. 💭 AI Prompt 🥣 Gravy Office holiday parties should finish by 3PM The hustle culture can wait for the holidays
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