Read time: 1 minute, 258 words. I’m blessed to receive many requests: Will you compose/produce/distribute/perform/write/invest/speak/attend… It surprises but doesn’t shock me how many requests I receive on holidays. Here’s how many email inquiries came in:
And let me tell you about weekends 🙂 👉🏾 Instead of pitching on special days, try this instead You’ll never inadvertently send the message that your needs take priority over someone else’s downtime. Hope it helps. -Kabir Meet Majora Carter. Urban revitalization specialist, nonprofit founder, radio host. “I got into this work completely under duress.” ⚡️ Productivity PaperGen – Fully-referenced, charted, long-form papers with one click. 💰 Passive Roofstock – Buy single-family rental properties that are already leased, creating rental income. 📚 Books The Country of the Blind by Christopher Brookmyre. Captivating memoir explores his journey with vision loss, examining blindness through personal experience, history, and culture. Thought-provoking look at adaptability, identity, & resilience that challenges common perceptions of disability. 🎵 Music Listen to We Gather Together: Jazz Hymns for Thanksgiving by Gwen Hughes. Reimagines hymns in a way that’s nostalgic &fresh, perfect for setting a reflective and festive atmosphere during Thanksgiving. Favorites: “Holy Holy Holy” & title track. 💭 AI Prompt 🥣 Gravy How to turn a comb into a masterpiece
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